Monday, March 17, 2014

Flying a kite

I don't know about the rest of you parents but winter is finally taking it's toll on me. By my own choosing, I live in a location in this country that is still in the grips of winter. I look out my window and am still looking at 4 ft snow banks and temperatures in it's teens. As I speak to the rest of my team here at SpecialGlobe down in Atlanta, they are planting gardens, sunning on their decks and wearing shorts!! UGH!! I choose to live on Mt Desert Island because it is truly one of the most beautiful locations in the world. We are constantly being written up by the top travel news sources for best beaches, most beautiful Islands and top summer destinations. It is striking in all of it's natural beauty. Home to Acadia National Park, we see 2.43 million visitors per year, most in the summer.

We woke yesterday to another day of poor weather. Rain this time, at least not snow. The kids and I have been staring at the same 4 walls of our home for what seems like forever. We have all been sick in various stages over the last 6 weeks, as have many families this winter. We decided to ignore the weather and get out and get some air. We packed our kite and headed down to Sand Beach in Acadia National Park. In the summer this beach is full of tourist but yesterday we had it all to ourselves. Due to the weather the seas were quite rough and in the mist it reminded me again of the raw beauty of this place that we call home. It was a perfect day to fly the kite. The kids and I enjoyed spending a few hours running around, digging in the sand and searching for treasures. It seemed to renew and rejuvenate all of our spirits and remind us that warmer days are not far away and the crocus will soon be in bloom.

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