One of the things that is incredibly special to me as a mom is my daughter Eliza's ability to finally put thoughts and feelings together and communicate those to me and the world around her. It has opened up her experiences and her ability to communicate with her teachers, her friends and even strangers, much to my chagrin. As I had said in an earlier post, the doctor's had told me when she was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome at the age of one that she would never speak so to hear her voice and her thoughts are a complete blessing that I am thankful for each and every day!!
At school, Eliza has recently taken to writing stories about her favorite things and experiences in her own words so I thought that I would share her latest story with all of you. It is a story about a recent trip that Eliza, Henry and I took on the spur of the moment.
Eliza's Trip to Rhode Island
" Over vacation Eliza was sick. Mom was sick. Henry was sick. On Thursday Mom felt better. Eliza felt better. Henry felt better, too. They packed their luggage. They took their swimming stuff and clothes. They got in the car. Mom drove. Eliza rode in the back seat. Henry rode in the back seat. Mom drove and drove and drove. It was a long trip. They stopped in Newport, Rhode Island at a hotel with a big swimming pool. "Mom watch out!! Mom, Shark! Run! ". After swimming, Eliza took mom to the restaurant at the hotel. They had cheese pizza. It was yummy. They slept at the hotel for two nights. It was a perfect trip."
On the evening that we returned from this trip Eliza looked to me as I was putting her to sleep and said "Thank you so much Mommy for taking me" I know how much she loves these adventures that we go on and how much she grows through the experiences and it is for that reason that I am so personally passionate about SpecialGlobe being a vehicle of empowerment for these wonderful families out there to travel the globe.
No trip will ever be 100% perfect for any family but it's funny how that works because inevitably we always forget the bad times on a trip and focus our memories on the very best.
Thanks for sharing that story, Meghann!